
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Perfect Night to Start Over

unbranded top and outer
Dust Jeans
Mighty8Shoes' platforms
Elizabeth's tote bag

Dear fellas, 
This is my first time of being productive since the last time I posted something here about 9 months ago. Actually, I really miss blogging. I've prepared many pictures and stuff, but the time didn't allow me to write this letter to you. 

What do you think about night time? What people usually do at night time? Do they sleep? Do they party until the dawn? Do they have a long chit-chat with their mates? Or just staring at the window wondering about something beyond their minds? People have their own ways to spend the night. What will you do to spend your night, especially your Saturday night? 

I don't have any special activities to do at night. TV, books, food, radio, and bed are my great companion to spend the night. I also enjoy writing at night. Based on an article I've read, night is the time where all your imaginations gone wild. Therefore, I have prepared my diary and pen to catch all those imaginations above my head. Music that plays on the radio somehow become more soothing and relaxing at night, but sometimes it wakes me up earlier because suddenly I can hear them on radio. I don't get used to sleep in a silent room, so I turn on the radio until morning.

Therefore, I think this is the perfect night to start my blog with the new passion, spirit, and hope. I wish I can write a letter to you more often. See you on the next letter! 

Kind regards, 


Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Let's Be Positive !

Giordano's tee - @JulyAndDecember's kimono - Connexion's printed jeans - Wakai's shoes

Dear my fellas,

I want to wish you a joyful and prosperous new year! Let's start this new chapter with a big smile and positive mind :)
Nowadays, I think that I should be well-dressed everywhere I go, especially when I go to church or a nice place that I rarely visit. Just like the outfit above. I really tried to be well-dressed when I visit this place (oh you must be notice it ;p). 
In many times, decide the perfect outfit can be such a hard time, especially when you use public transportation. Well-dressed is not enough. It also must be comfortable and appropriate. By considerate these aspects, voila ! That is how I created this look.

Everyone must have their best moment or worst moment. Which one that dominates your life? For me, it's a little bit balance although the negative thoughts just come and go whatever they want. I'm serious, the negative thoughts have burdened my life last year. Felt like I spend my whole year with sadness and worry, even though I don't want this to happen, but still, I couldn't handle them. They are just too much...

The major problem that I should finish this year is how to set my mind into positive mode. I'm sure it will be nice if you have a person to share the feelings so you don't have to feel lonely, also, instead of talk about my dreams here and there, it will be better if I start doing the actions to make it happen.

Let's rock this year with positive mind and grateful heart. I hope you guys can reach your dream. Remember, just do it.

Kind regards,

Nazz ;)

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